Contributed papers are solicited describing original works in smart city and green energy and related technologies. Topics and technical areas of interest include but are not limited to the following:
Urban Sustainable Development Planning
Smart City Infrastructure Design
Urban Spatial Planning and Management
Smart City Communication and Networking
Smart City Safety and Surveillance
Smart City Services and Management
Urban Integrated Energy System
Intelligent Transportation Systems
Logistics Information Technology
Smart Transportation Management and Control
Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience in Smart Cities
Sustainable Energy Sources and Management in Smart Cities
Electric Vehicle Charging Facility Planning
Passive House Building Standards
Green Building Materials and Technology
Building Energy Efficiency and Management
Net-zero Carbon Building
Smart District Integrated Energy System
Air Quality Monitoring and Management
Water Resource Monitoring and Protection
Environmental Big Data Analysis and Applications
IoT Enabled Energy Systems
Smart Grid Technology and Applications
Energy Data Analysis and Management
Smart Grid Security and Reliability
Grid Planning, Operation and Management
Low-carbon Smart Grid Transformation
Applications and Challenges of Computer Vision in Smart Grid and Energy Systems
Computational Intelligence, Big Data, ICT and Blockchain Applications in Smart Grids
Coordinated Operation, Control and Cyber-physical Security of Smart Grid
Grid Resiliency, Security, Reliability, Stability and Protection
Microgrids, Standalone Power Systems and Virtual Power Plants
Renewable Energy Generation Technology
Energy Storage Technology
Integration and Management of Renewable Energy Generation
Energy Conservation and Efficiency
Electricity and Energy Policy/Regulatory Issues
Electricity Market and Carbon Emission Market
Innovative Business Mechanism in Different Kinds of Electricity and Carbon Emission Markets